Ventnor Town Council Continue To Reject Schools Proposals

Monday night the Ventnor Town Council agreed that it was not happy with the proposals put forward. It appreciates that there may have to be losses but expects to be fully consulted on all detail, including possible new uses for existing school facilities as community facilities. A two tier model was preferred in keeping all three primary schools, and giving the children an extra two years in primary.

Brenda Lawson proposed the part in Blue and Steve Milford proposed the part in Green

Abstentions: Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Susan Scoccia (both still in discussions at County Council level) and Colin Elvers (on the board of St Margaret’s).

Declarations of interest
JFB stated neither he nor SS should speak as they were still involved in discussions at County level and they were not concluded. In the end he did speak, but nit to argue any points, but to pose an interesting what if scenario if St Boniface was to close. He asked the members to imagine St Boniface being used as a multi faceted community centre with an accessible library (moved from where it is now), and advice centre, and nearby outdoor games area (lower half of St Boniface playing area and already in discussion).

Colin Elvers said he would not speak as he was on the board of St Margaret’s. He did not say anything.

On this occasion, although Steve Milford should have declared an interest, as prior, due to his union interests, he did not declare an interest.

Val Taylor was absent.

Against: Brian Lucas

JFB provided some interesting stats for primary level:

St Boniface: 71 pupils against 115 budget Cost of education per child per year: £3.8K
St Margaret’s 53 pupils against 90 budget Cost of education per child per year: £4.5K
St Wilfred’s 123 pupils against 110 budget Cost of education per child per year: £3.2K

VMS has 429 pupils against 520 budget.