Ventnor Town Council Meeting: 13th August

There is another meeting tonight which starts at 7pm sharp at The Winter Gardens.

Having looked through the County Press, it doesn’t look like there are any planning applications for the Ventnor area this week, so I guess it might be a short meeting! Anyway, here’s last weeks report.

Ventnor Town Council Meeting – 13th August
Those not present: B. Lawson, B. Bartlett, C. Mortimer, B. Lucas.

1. Public Questions
* Mark asked who was responsible for the bus shelters at Central Car Park and on the Trinity Church junction.

* The view taken was that the shelters are shabby in appearance. This was substantiated by several comments, in returns, from the Ventnor 2007 survey of local resident’s views.

* JF (John Farrant) replied that he would investigate and report back at the next Town Council meeting on 10th September. He said that if Highways took over any shelter it would become a steel and glass affair, which would not look to be in keeping with the historic design at least of the two shelters by the church.

* Mark expressed a view that with some TC support, that perhaps a local community project could be organised to repair the shelters. An initiative that would be similar to the direct action taken by the Ventnor Enhancement Fund in setting up the BBQ area in La Falaise car park.

The following briefing was read to the town council by Simon Dennis, Interim Operations Manager, Safer Neighbourhoods Partnership. He was joined by our two beat police officers, Neil and Richard.

Simon highlighted some points:

* The existing CCTV systems on the Island (Ryde and Newport) are old technology (analogue) and are being upgraded to digital.

* It was hoped that the use of a mainland consultant and mainland supplier would yield the best value for money.

* Susan Scoccia asked about other councils following suit and Simon indicated that as Shanklin and Cowes were also planning CCTV systems, if all three agreed, the mix would underpin best value for money, and perhaps improve the situation through bulk buying, as this would link into the existing agreed upgrades for Ryde and Newport.

* CCTV cameras are not insured. They are very rarely damaged, i.e. such as the recent incident in Scarrots Lane of a lorry damaging two in an abortive manoeuvre and being filmed in the process by the cameras as they were being damaged.

* Crime rate has dropped in Ryde and Newport as a result of CCTV by 15% and 9% respectively. The two beat officers pointed out that CCTV does not prevent crime, but does assist in prevention and certainly helps in detection of “perps” during an “event”.

* It helps shopkeepers keep insurance costs down, and the Shopwatch radio system (under development in Ventnor) can interlock to the CCTV network to the central control room.

* Robbie Mew asked if the shopkeepers could make a contribution to the cost to defray some of the expense. Simon said that would potentially impact on licensing costs if this path was followed. It needs to be funded by the TC alone.

* Simon recommended a working party be set up by the Town Council with the local police to move this matter forward.

* As a partnership group, it would agree the location of cameras, largely defined by police crime and intelligence data.

* It was agreed Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Susan Scoccia and Robbie Mew go to the proposed meeting on 9th October.

* Susan Scoccia was concerned that the Town Council do not commit until the full costs are known. Simon stated that this was the purpose of the meeting on 8th October to agree a specification with the consultant.

* Robbie Mew believes the IOW Council should carry the total costs. Simon said that the Ventnor TC would need to carry the costs of the cameras and annual transmission; while Safer Neighbourhood would carry via a service level agreement (SLA) the on costs.

3. Grants Committee
* An additional grant was give to Ventnor Community Projects of £250 for the Skate Board Park.

* The other grants were not read out but held within the paper being approved and not visible to the public gallery.

4. Code of Conduct
The new code was agreed and must now be advertised as being adopted. Specifically adopting clause 12.2 allows members with a prejudicial interest to make representation on a matter, as can a member of the public. But without voting rights. This means members who have an interest do not need to withdraw during the proceedings. This allows for greater democracy in debate.

5. Mayors Charity
Susan Scoccia named Ventnor Together as her chosen charity. This aims to set up a full youth community cafe, and Ventnor Together will run a PURE event for Youth (under the guidance of Safe Neighbourhood Partnership) in February. This could become a regular event.

6. Quality Council
John Farrant’s completed portfolio has now been submitted.

7. General
The Ventnor 2007 survey was raised with a positive response.

* Susan Scoccia asked Mark CH to update the Town Council on the progress of the project.

* She noted that she had three objectives for her term of office:
* See the Town achieve Blue Flag status.
* See the Town Council achieve Quality status.
* See a five year plan for the Town prepared (2007-2012)

* She said that the Ventnor 2007 public survey with its accompanying desk research was the foundation for the five year plan.

* To move it to its next stage requires funding to pay for further public consultation, publishing the survey results and town plan, and maintaining a Web presence.

* It was noted that a bid to Defra for £3500 was being made to address this, with a requirement for a £250 cash contribution from the Town Council.

* This will be discussed at the next Town Council meeting.

* In the context of the survey, Robbie Mew raised serious concerns about the state of Garden Estate in Upper Ventnor. Vandalism and Rubbish.

* The Town Council agreed to write to the County Council urging that the Garden Estate be taken into consideration for development. Steve Milford was asked to help with this.

* Colin Elvers called for a clean up for the main post office.

The new public toilets on the eastern esplanade
* The plans are signed. There were 12 written comments, which chiefly did not like the stained glass blocks proposed, but preferred blue colours.

* The project is now moving forward to final design with a start in the autumn to finish by the spring.

* The Island Town Managers meeting is Tuesday 14 August in County Hall.

8. Planning Meeting
Amongst the agenda:

* Two refusals noted for Royal Hotel extension of car park (visibility) and roller shutter on Londis (conservation zone). These were picked up at the previous meeting.

* Cedar Lodge. The demolition application accepted.

* Susan Scoccia asked for plans to be on the table prior the start of the meeting from 6.30 pm onwards. To enable the public to get a better view.

* There was no objection to this in principle other than a considerable worry about papers being disrupted, as the plan applications come in piles.

* John Farrant will work on this.

* In the meantime it was suggested that as the plans to be discussed are published in the County Press every Friday, that the public review these plans on the site prior to the meeting.