First was a presentation by the Ventnor Golf Club:
The Ventnor Golf Club made a major announcement concerning their progress that fits in perfectly with the Eco Island strategy.
“It will be one of the first carbon neutral golf clubs in the UK”¦.”
Some points of interest in the presentation included showing some of the several transmission towers in place on the island. This illustrated how modern technology structures can fit into the AONB landscape.
The 3 wind turbines proposed to be installed to provide a constant source of energy would take five days each to install. Would require minimum maintenance and would provide enough additional power to serve the needs of about 600 homes in Upper Ventnor.
The Town Council were very supportive of the project and wished Stewart success at the EGM planned for 24 April.
Stewart Blackmore of the Ventnor Golf Club (The oldest Golf Club on the island) made an informal presentation of their £1.75m plan (funded by Green Tourism) to construct 15 golfing holiday units and take the course up to an 18 hole championship course. The idea went down well with the council. It needs to clear the Golf Club AGM as well as go through Planning.
What was interesting is the plan to completely tidy up the rough and overgrown land off Steephill Down leading up to the Club. This has been historically looked at as a possible community garden area.
Supported in principle
A fuller report for background reading is in the CP
This is what was on the planning agenda:
As usual please click on the hyperlinks to go to the application files.
(All information, as usual, is courtesy of, and copyright of Council website)
A direct link is also available, now, through the Ventnor Town Plan site under Planning.
TCP/12871/B, P/00187/08
Victoria Mount Victoria Street Ventnor Isle of Wight PO381ES
Vehicular access with driveway/parking area
Councillor: Jonny Fitzgerald-Bond
TCP/25382/A, P/00499/08
Foxwood Shore Road Ventnor Isle of Wight PO381RF
Alterations two extensions to provide additional living accommodation
Councillor: Jonny Fitzgerald-Bond
TCP/01033/D, P/00345/08
Hotel Picardie Esplanade Ventnor Isle of Wight PO381JX
Change of use from hotel to dwelling
Councillor: Susan Scoccia
Marcia Forsyth-Grant runs what is essentially the last family hotel on the Esplanade. It is on the market for a guide £1M.
Val Taylor declared a personal interest.
Robbie Mew opined the hotel had not been run properly as a hotel for a long time.
Refused on the grounds of not being consistent with the Tourism nature of the Esplanade.
TCP/21749/B, P/00586/08
Sea Haze Wheelers Bay Road Ventnor Isle of Wight PO381HR
Alterations and single/2/3 storey extension to provide additional living accommodation
Councillor: Jonny Fitzgerald-Bond
TCP/01779/F, P/00513/08
3 Southgrove Terrace Southgrove Road Ventnor Isle of Wight PO381TN
Variation of condition no. 4 on TCP/01779/E which relates to no. of parking spaces provided
Councillor: Jonny Fitzgerald-Bond
TCP/24467/H, P/00490/08
Land adjacent 2 Pelham Road Ventnor Isle of Wight PO38
Renewal Outline for dwelling.
Councillor: Susan Scoccia
TCP/27426/B, P/00525/08
21 Inglewood Park Ventnor Isle of Wight PO381UX
Alterations to include conversion of garage into dressing room and glazed roof light single storey side and rear extensions hard standing and alteration to vehicular access
Councillor: Susan Scoccia
Refused due to over development
TCP/27882/A, P/00536/08
5 Gills Cliff Road Ventnor Isle of Wight PO381LH
Proposed dormer window on south elevation
Councillor: Susan Scoccia
TCP/28925, P/00477/08
Villa Amanti Esplanade Ventnor Isle of Wight PO38
Alterations single storey extension to provide additional living accommodation alterationsto roof to provide accommodation within roof space proposed balconies on south elevation alterations to front boundary wall/railings
Councillor: Susan Scoccia
TCP/28926, P/00528/08
The Firs The Undercliffe Drive Ventnor Isle of Wight PO381XX
Alterations and single storey extension to provide additional living accommodation
Councillor: Susan Scoccia