People talking at a gathering

Ventnor Town Council’s ‘Our Place’ sessions: A chance to meet with community groups and agencies

On Thursday 26h January from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm, Ventnor Town Council and partner agencies will be holding the first of a regular monthly ‘Our Place’ session at St. Catherine’s Church.

The event will bring together groups from the local voluntary and community sector with Island-wide agencies.

Organisations attending will include:

  • Our local PCSO
  • Citizen’s Advice
  • People Matter
  • Living Well and Early Help
  • Veteran’s Outreach Support
  • Barnardo’s
  • Ventnor Community Shed
  • Ventnor Well-being Cafe
  • Sight for Wight
  • Isle of Wight Stroke Association
  • Baby Box Isle of Wight

Thanks to St. Catherine’s Church for hosting the event. There will be free tea, coffee and cake and the opportunity to talk to representatives of these organisations to access support or have an informal chat.

It’s a chance to meet with groups and agencies that don’t have a permanent base in Ventnor.

Dates for the next four meetings are 23rd February, 30th March, 27th April and 25th May.

A new weekly Thursday lunch club
The event will also see the start of a new weekly Thursday lunch club – a group of volunteers have come together to offer a free lunch every Thursday as a part of the Town Council’s Warm Spaces scheme.

The Town Council is working with faith communities and the voluntary sector to be able to provide a free hot lunch in Ventnor every weekday.

So far we have a free hot lunch available at the Well-being Cafe on Tuesdays and Fridays – with St. Catherine’s Church on Thursdays.

St Catherine’s warm space
St Catherine’s warm space is also open, for coffee tea and cake, every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10:30 to 12:30, it is free and donation are appreciated.

We are looking for volunteers to help with these local initiatives – whether they have catering experience or not – and would like to help or for more information, please call us Tony on 07932 890679 or email [email protected]

News shared by Tony on behalf of Ventnor Town Council. Ed

Image: leah hetteberg under CC BY 2.0