VentnorBlog Competition Winner: Now You’re Playing With Power!

Super MarioCongratulations to VentnorBlog reader Garth Oatley for working out the correct answer in our musical competition.

The answer was of course, The Super Mario Bros. Theme Tune.

For those who have no idea what on earth Super Mario Bros refers to, it was Nintendo’s (the games console company) first killer application created back in the late 80s.

So, as well as knowing that Garth took his Grade 8 Piano exam in years past, he, like many others of a certain generation was also lucky enough to have had (or a friend who had) a Nintendo games console during his youth.

Of course there were two options for the prize, either an iPod shuffle or a lovely pink number by Samsung, so depending upon which one Garth chooses to claim, we’ll at one spare to another comp to run before Christmas.

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