food hygiene rating of 1

Ventnor’s The Met Wine Bar commits to improvements after one star food hygiene rating

The Met Wine Bar, located on Ventnor Esplanade, has recently received a food hygiene rating of one, highlighting the need for ‘major improvement’.

The owner says following the inspection, the premises has undergone thorough cleaning, and new procedures are now in place to maintain cleanliness.

A food safety officer conducted an inspection and found that the bar’s standards in several key areas required attention.

Areas for improvement
The inspection assessed three main areas: hygienic food handling, the cleanliness and condition of facilities, and the management of food safety.

The officer rated hygienic food handling as ‘requiring improvement’. This category covers the preparation, cooking, re-heating, cooling, and storage of food.

The cleanliness and condition of facilities were deemed ‘generally satisfactory’. This assessment considers the layout, ventilation, hand-washing facilities, and pest control measures in place.

However, the management of food safety was found to need ‘major improvement’. This rating reflects the systems and checks that ensure food is safe to eat, the knowledge of staff regarding food safety, and the officer’s confidence in maintaining standards in the future.

Steps taken by The Met Wine Bar
The Met Wine Bar has responded to the inspection findings. According to a statement from the business, the establishment has undergone thorough cleaning, and new procedures are now in place to maintain cleanliness.

A new management system has been implemented, and there are new members of staff. The existing team has received additional training and is under revised supervisory arrangements.

Owner’s response to the inspection
The owner of The Met Wine Bar explained the circumstances around the inspection. The owner said

“The day of our inspection was after a disastrous few days.

“We lost two members of kitchen staff, so we were running very short-handed. We had a new person start that day who was not trained at that moment, and I also got a call from my GP with concerning news.”

“I had missing paperwork, and things were not up to standard”
The owner admitted that on the day of the inspection, the kitchen did not meet the usual standards. They said,

“I pride myself on how clean our kitchen is, but this particular day, I had missing paperwork, and things were not up to standard.”

Looking forward to reinspection
Despite the setback, the owner expressed confidence in the future. They said,

“Everything has been put right. The Met Wine Bar has applied for a reinspection and hopes it will take place in the coming weeks.

“I am hoping we will receive a 5-star rating.”