Vestas Sit-in: Day 13 Report From The Inside

Thanks to Mike for sending through an update of day 13 in the Vestas occupation. Ed

Vestas decided to close this factory because the demand in the USA is higher and it would save shipping cost to build the blades over there.

We found out today that Vestas are charging the Americans twice as much for the blades now they are being built over there, maybe that swayed there decision?

Vestas are not letting any outside food into the factory; all though they did yesterday they are now saying it was a one off, a good will gesture on their part!

Vestas have decided to hold the final 1 to 1 consultations on Tuesday at Downside Middle School on Pan Estate.

This was done deliberately by management to keep people away from the court hearing and as the RMT are representing us in court they would like to get the 1 to 1’s finished before the RMT can attend.

Tell the management you have prior engagements; please show your support at 9.30am, Newport county court on Tuesday, we need as many people as possible to attend to show Vestas that we are not the only ones that believe we have been treated unfairly!

Thanks for coming along to tonight’s rally and please continue to spread the word.

Thank you

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