Vestas Sit-In: Fancy Dress Food Delivery

Yesterday afternoon, the lads taking part in the sit-in at Vestas were treated to a great show.

Vestas Sit-In: Fancy Dress Food DeliveryThe result of this interlude of comedy was a huge bag of food containing amongst other things pasta, rice, noodles and a much-needed kettle enabling them to make themselves the first cup of tea since the occupation began.

Imagine that, depriving an Englishman of his daily cup of tea!

‘Jokers’ donated outfits
Trevor Jones and Rick Gee (friends of those inside) hatched the plan earlier in the day. They started by popping along to Jokers fancy dress shop in Sandown to gather costumes which would play a part in causing a distraction to the security guards.

When hearing what the costumes were being used for, the owner of Jokers showed his support to the cause by donating the costumes free of charge.

A quick whip round gathered about £70 with which to buy food and supplies and then it was time to put the plans into action.

A group of people including Pat Rolfe, Amy Jones and Jenny Houghton laden with carrier bags disguised to look as though they were carrying food, squeezed through the fence and made a dash for the front door. Meanwhile Trevor and Rick were hiding in adjacent bushes waiting for the right moment to approach the building.

Whilst the security guard on duty in that corner of the site had spotted Rick and started talking to him, Trevor made a dash for it.

He’d prepared the parcel of food and supplies by attaching a long rope with a large hook on the end to the holdall that he’d bought that morning.

It was only moments until the security guard spotted him and made a beeline, grabbing onto the rope in an attempt to stop the food going in. Luckily for the lads inside, he wasn’t successful and the holdall was pulled up to the balcony.

So, thanks to theirs supporters outside, as you read this article, the lads inside are probably enjoying a very nice cup of tea!

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