Always with a camera to hand, VB forum member and chum of the blog, Good Fairy has done it again.
Whilst out walking the dogs yesterday, as GF made her way through the Botanic Gardens, she came across workmen unearthing an old Victorian incinerator.
As you can see from the pics, it could do with a bit of tender loving care, but having spoken to Simon Goodenough this morning, we understand that they are seeking funding for just that purpose.
We weren’t aware, but apparently the gardens are grade two landscape listed with English Heritage and Simon went on to say that the gardens are starting a programme to restore as many of the original features of the garden as possible.
As well as unearthing the incinerator, cutting back the blackthorn has also revealed a beautiful rock face which they intend to keep clear for all to admire.
If you want to take a closer look, the incinerator can be found near at the top end of the slope which goes towards the coastline, in the middle of the gardens.
Contrary to what some people might claim, Simon assures us that no bodies were ever burnt in the incincerator, only rubbish from the hospital.