Wall of Protest March: Make Your Voice Heard

Make your voice heard tomorrow on the Wall of Protest Schools March taking place in Newport from 10.30am.

The weather forecast is wet, but don’t let a little thing like the rain stop you from showing the council how you feel about the proposed plans to close at least 23 schools.

Wall of Protest

There are many reasons to go along on Saturday including “¦

* If you feel that your views haven’t been represented
* If you don’t like the way that the survey was organised
* If you’re not happy with the results
* If you don’t feel that mass closures will solve the issue of raising standards
* Quote from Wells on IW phone-in

“If those people have decided not to fill in the questionnaire, they have actually taken that voice away from themselves”.

Bring your brollies and dress them with messages, bring your banners and make your voices heard.

Gather at Church Litten at 10.30 ready for the 11am march down to County Hall and back to Church Litten for a rally.

The Isle of Wight Council will make their decision next Wednesday, stay tuned to the blog for live coverage from County Hall.