Gurnard toddlers taking part in MUFTI for Arlo

Wear What Makes You Happy Day unites Isle of Wight schools and businesses for a cause (updated)

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Schools and businesses across the Isle of Wight have today come together in support of a special cause.

Wear What Makes You Happy Day has seen over 80 schools, pre-schools and businesses ditch their uniforms in favour of outfits that bring them joy.

This initiative is part of a fundraising effort to help Cowes teenager Arlo Lambie access essential medical care abroad.

To donate please visit the Just Giving Page.

Raising funds for vital treatment
Last October, Arlo was diagnosed with Grade 4 brain cancer and has received exceptional care from the NHS.

However, the treatment he now needs is not available in the UK, requiring him to travel to Paris for specialist medical support.

To help fund this vital care, family friend Taylor Willows suggested a mufti day with a twist—no set theme, just the opportunity for participants to wear what makes them happy.

Arlo embraced the idea, giving the event its name and ensuring that positivity remained at its heart.

A wave of community support
Gail Willows, a family friend and event organiser, expressed her gratitude for the overwhelming response.

“When my son and I first started planning this initiative, we hoped that a few schools would join in. However, I am truly overwhelmed by the support we’ve received from the community here on the Island.

“From the children inspired by Arlo’s story, to the parents who have helped coordinate everything, and the headteachers sending their well wishes, the response has been incredible. We are proud to now have more than 80 schools and businesses involved.”

Finding joy in the toughest times
Arlo himself has been deeply moved by the community’s support.

“I love the Island, it is a very special place, and I love the sense of community here, but I’m amazed at the support that we’ve received and I’m so very grateful.

“It was important for me from the start that whatever this journey involves, we make space for the happiness, fun and laughter.

“It’s not always easy, but I can’t think of a day yet that hasn’t included something to smile at, and I hope that Wear What Makes You Happy Day brings a lot of smiles to everyone involved.”

A day of smiles and solidarity
From bright colours and favourite jumpers to costumes and comfy clothes, today has been about more than just fundraising—it has been a celebration of community spirit.

With the Island coming together in support of Arlo, Wear What Makes You Happy Day has proven to be a powerful reminder of the strength found in collective kindness and joy.

Below we’ll be adding photos and comments from the schools and organisations taking part today.

Ryde Academy
Pupils and staff at Ryde Academy raised £1,500 for the fund. This is what some of the students had to say about the cause and Arlo’s journey:

“This cause is really close to my heart, Arlo is good friends with one of my friends and I really wanted to help. I have experienced cancer in my family.” – Matilda E, Year 10

“I feel really bad for him, treatment is so expensive. We’re so pleased to be able to do something to help him.” Josh S, Year 10

“I wanted to help so much.” – Mia C, Year 10

“It is very sad for Arlo, so I wanted to do what I could to help.” – Dylan W, Year 9

“This is a great cause, we were all really happy to be able to help.” – Darcey E, Year 7

Will Doyle, Head of School at Ryde Academy, said,

“All staff, students, parents and carers at Ryde Academy send their best wishes and endless support to Arlo and his family. We are in awe of his positivity and courage.

“Arlo will be in our thoughts both today as we all wear what makes us happy, and in the coming months as he continues his treatments.”

A spokesperson for the school added,

“It is heartwarming to see the Isle of Wight community rallying around Arlo and his family in this way and on such a large scale. Ryde Academy is immensely proud to be a part of this.

“We wish Arlo and his family all the best with his treatments and continuing journey.”

Inglefield Nursing home
Julie Denner from Inglefield Nursing home in Totland shared these photos and said,

“We are with you every step of the way.

“Keep smiling. From everyone at Inglefield Nursing home in Totland.”

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Lucie Banks, Headteacher at Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, said,

“Our wonderful pupils at Holy Cross Catholic Primary School embraced the spirit of happiness with their ‘Wear What Makes You Happy’ mufti day!

“A special shoutout to Arlo, we’re sending you our positive vibes and love today.”

Gurnard Parent and Toddler Group
Those attending Gurnard Parent and Toddler Group showed their support for Arlo’s journey and the ‘Wear What Makes You Happy’ event.

Wroxall Primary School
Wroxall Primary School have been wearing their “happy clothes” today to support Arlo’s fundraising.

Jess Steele explains,

“We have combined this with our number day so children have also spent the day focusing on fun maths related activities and stories.

“Our caterers Chartwells have joined in by baking the children delicious heart shaped chocolate cookies to purchase in order to raise more funds.

“It has been such a happy day in school. Everyone at Wroxall is sending Arlo our best wishes. Thank you Arlo for our happy day!”

Priory School
Staff and pupils at Priory School also took part in the MUFTI day too. Thanks to the school for sharing these photos.

Furzehill Childcare Centre
Thanks to Lucy from Furzehill Childcare Centre for sharing this photo of staff, parents and children from Furzehill Childcare Centre.

The Island VI Form
As students do not wear uniform at the VI Form, staff and students were encouraged to wear something bright.

Head of School, Phil Pearce-Jones, said,

“It has been lovely to see so many students wearing something bright and colourful and making donations to this worthy cause.”

Arreton St George’s CE Primary School
Children at Arreton St George’s CE Primary School were asked to say why what they are wearing makes them happy, or if they had a message for Arlo.  Here are some of the thoughts they wanted to share:

“Thank you Arlo, for making us feel happy today”

“Good luck”

“Keep smiling”

“Be happy”

“Hope you get better”

“I really hope you get enough money for treatment”

“Don’t give up”

“I wore my outfit because I spent time with my family to make it which made me happy”

“I wore a picture of a dog to make me happy”

“PJs make me happy”

“Wearing my Oodie is cosy and makes me feel cosy inside”

“Arlo, I hope you feel better soon and I hope you get the treatment you need”

“Good luck when you get your treatment”

“You are a nice boy and I wish you luck”

“To Arlo, I don’t know you but I hope you get better soon”

“Stitch makes me happy because he is cute”

“I’m really happy that our school could do this for you. It’s amazing that other schools have helped too.  I feel happy about the money raised and I hope you feel better soon”

So far our total is £127 with more to arrive.

Brighstone CE Primary
The pupils and staff arrived at Brighstone CE Primary school today wearing what makes them happy.  They have also had the opportunity at break time to buy cookies made by the kitchen cook from Chartwells with all proceeds going towards supporting the “Wear what makes you happy day”.

As a small school with only 85 pupils on roll they managed to raise £200 including donations from Brighstone Preschool.

“We send heartfelt warm wishes to Arlo on his journey to recovery.”

Forest Edge School
Staff and students at Forest Edge School (A specialist independent SEMH school) on the Isle of Wight were keen to support Arlo’s journey and wore what made them happy today instead of uniform.

Headteacher, Nicola Peace, said,

“This was a great end to Children’s Mental Health Week and we want to wish Arlo positivity on his journey through treatment. His kind and positive attitude has been an inspiration to all of us in school.”

Medina College
Along with over 70 other organisations, Medina College we have taken part in this event to help raise funds for Arlo Lambie.

Headteacher, Kam Bains, said,

“It is great how a community coming together can make a difference to the lives of others around us. We have really enjoyed seeing the students in their happy clothes today and are proud of how they have donated generously to support Arlo and his family. We send our best wishes to Arlo and his family” .

Quotes from students and staff:

“I love mufti day and especially for a cause as important as this. My brother used to play basketball with Arlo and we are hoping to see him back on the court soon. You are a role model for your family, friends and everyone around you. Seeing the positives in the negatives is something not many people can do. I wish you all the best! Hold tight and keep strong.” – Francesca

“I think it is really good that we are doing mufti for Arlo. It shows how the whole Island can come together when it needs to and it gives such a great sense of community that we can all help.” – Mylea

“We may be a little Island, but we have a big collective heart and today has proved that.” – Team Library Medina College

“Today is important for Arlo and his family. It is important to help others in need and to have fun because this could happen to anyone.” – Alfie R

Carisbrooke College
Staff and pupils at Carisbrooke College also took part. 

Executive Headteacher, Natalie Sheppard, said,

“It was an honour to stand with the other Island organisations today taking part in the mufti day for Arlo. We send all of our love and strength to Arlo and his family and hope that our contribution helps to get him the treatment he needs.” 

Carisbrooke College has raised £732.98 so far in donations to the school that will be passed on, with many parents also donating directly to the Just Giving page. 

Burlesque Belles
Miss Autumn Star and the Burlesque Belles kicked off the Island’s mass fundraising efforts on Thursday evening with a super-fun fancy dress inspired class.

Miss Autumn Star said,

“We had so much fun raising for Arlo.

“I was dressed up as George from Rainbow and all the dancers really dressed to impress!”

To donate please visit the Just Giving Page.