Weekend Content on VentnorBlog: David Yates’ Serialisation Starts Tomorrow

Up until recently it’s been fairly rare for VentnorBlog to publish content over the weekend.

However, more and more people have been writing to us saying they’d love a weekend fix of VentnorBlog.

Weekend Content on VentnorBlog: David Yates' Serialisation Starts TomorrowThere aren’t enough hours in the day to cover everything that we’d love to, so if you fancy getting involved and sending in the odd article that we could publish at the weekend, do get in touch.

In the meantime, starting tomorrow and running every weekend between now and Christmas, we’ll be bringing you the serialisation of one of David Yates’ (he of Bomb Alley fame) unpublished novels, The Last Bullfighter.

We thank David for choosing to share his work with the many readers of VentnorBlog and hope you enjoy catching up with the story every Saturday and Sunday for the next nine weeks.

Image: Anette Schaeffer