Reporting with mobiles

What will your councillor be saying at tonight’s Full Council meeting?

Members of the Isle of Wight council meet tonight at 6pm for the May Full Council meeting.

Two motions for consideration
As well as the motion relating to zero hour contracts put forward by Cllr Pitcher, the Independents are putting forward a motion to change the wording in the Constitution in relation to Executive Advisory Committees.

They are proposing reducing the number of members from seven to six. When asked why this change was being made, OnTheWight were told,

“Practicality and the fact that executive members should not be part of the group that is advising the executive!”

Reports from Committees
Also under consideration at tonight’s meeting are the recommendations from the Scrutiny Committee on Cross-Solent Ferry Services and the ‘Fire and Rescue Annual Report’ incorporating the ‘Integrated Risk Management Plan’ (both embedded below for your convenience).

Executive reports
As usual reports from members of the Executive outlining updates in their areas of responsibility will be presented and other members will be allowed a period of time to ask questions relating to each Executive member’s portfolio.

OnTheWight will be reporting live from the meeting as usual, follow the Twitter stream for regular updates (you don’t need to have a Twitter account to see the updates if viewing online).

Image: davelawler under CC BY 2.0