White Air ….. What Happened There?

Kirstin Prisk photo of Reubin Pearce

Sorry that I haven’t managed to cover any of the White Air events yet. Basically, it was because even though I went to the Yaverland every day, I only managed to get as far as the BMX boys on the indoor skate park and stood mesmerised by their fantasticness. Tres cool. (Also, I’ve been pretty busy this week, hopefully some reviews will come … eventually)

Anyway, I came across this fantastic photo today that Kirstin Prisk took of Reubin Pearce (from Headworx – check out the Website) who secured his third BPSA win of the season at the event. Three cheers for Reubin.

Kirstin Prisk
Reubin Pearce@Headworx

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