Who fancies abseiling down the Spinnaker Tower?


Thanks to Jessica for this information from the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust. In her own words. Ed

With only 30 places left register now to take on the challenge by yourself or as part of a team on the 6th July 2013 and face your fears as you precariously lower yourself out over the rooftops of Portsmouth Harbour in support of the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust.

10th anniversary for charity
Launched in 2003 the aim of the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust is to give young people in recovery from cancer the chance to rebuild their confidence through sailing.

Celebrating their 10th year anniversary, the Trust has grown beyond every expectation into a national charity. Working with every young person’s primary cancer care unit in the UK, taking young people aged between 8-24 who are recovering from cancer and other serious illnesses on four-day sailing trips.

How to register
Registration fee is £50 with a minimum of £150 sponsorship; the challenge takes place on the 6th July 2013, with limited spaces between 8.30am and 5pm book now to avoid disappointment.

For further information or to book your place, please contact:

Clare Ryan on clare.ryan@emcancertrust.org or by calling 01983 287750.

To find out how you can help the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust please visit