Why Not Join The Utopia Reading Group

Readers may remember we ran details of the Utopia Reading Group earlier in the year. Robin tells us more. Ed

Plato signThe Utopia Reading Group in Ryde has been meeting fortnightly since the end of March and have covered lots of themes and issues, including human nature, class, justice, population, work, environment, identity politics, sexuality, technology and so on.

All these big themes run through the major fictional and artistic visions of utopia.

For the coming months, we will look at these creative visions of utopia and dystopia and their relevance to today’s problems and hopes.

We will use the session on Tuesday 11th October to sketch out a plan for the coming months’ sessions, based on what people are most interested in and what resources we have collectively.

Full details on Events OnTheWight

Image: Denkrahm under CC BY 2.0