Wight Harmony Barbershop Singers: Charity Christmas Gig

Wight Harmony Barbershop Singers will be performing a seasonal concert at St. John’s Church in Ryde next week.

Wight Harmony Barbershop Singers: Charity Christmas GigThis year is the 30th anniversary of its formation and during those years the group has sung in many parts of the UK plus the USA, Sweden, Denmark, France and South Africa.

They have even sung in the Channel tunnel!

Currently one of its quartets is touring Australia.

Each year the singers take part at the Barbershop Singers’ Convention and in the 90s were Small Choir Champions for two years running. They are reputed to give more concerts than any other Barbershop Choir in the country, greatly benefiting their charity “Mencap”

There will be a raffle in aid of Mencap, seasonal refreshments and a retiring collection which will go towards new hymn books for St. John’s.