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Wightlink’s Green Innovation Fund: Last chance for Isle of Wight community projects

Isle of Wight people who care about the environment of their beautiful Island have just a few days left to apply for support from Wightlink’s Green Innovation Fund.

The cross-Solent ferry company is calling on community groups who are passionate about sustainability to put their ideas on paper about how they can make a real difference by helping to cut carbon emissions and reduce the use of fossil fuels.

The first two Wightlink Green Innovation Fund grants for community groups were announced earlier this year.

Wightlink was awarded the Net Zero Navigator award by Maritime UK Solent in 2024, recognising the company’s commitment to decarbonise its operations.

Lea: Opportunity to come up with a brilliant idea to benefit our Island
Wightlink Sustainability Champion, Louise Lea, said,

“Our Green Innovation Fund grants have already been given to primary schools, secondary schools and community, groups.

“This is another opportunity for people to get together and come up with a brilliant idea to benefit our Island, a designated UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.”

The winning Wightlink Green Innovation Fund applications will be:

  • Projects that bring people together to make a positive impact on the environment.
  • Applications which include both immediate and long-term commitments to create a more sustainable Isle of Wight.
  • Projects that use technology to improve energy efficiency or encourage more people to conserve energy or use less of it.
  • Original thinking; something innovative. Maybe it’s something that’s never been done on the Isle of Wight?
  • Projects that lead the way for others.

Apply today
All information about the Green Innovation Fund and how to apply here.

Applications must be received by midnight, Friday 17th January 2025.

News shared by Karen on behalf of Wightlink. Ed