Lawrence Bates, Mary Lenton and Sandra Peelo at Ben Nevis
Lawrence Bates, Mary Lenton and Sandra Peelo at Ben Nevis

Wildheart Animal Sanctuary team conquers Three Peaks for bear rescue mission

Last month, three employees from the Wildheart Animal Sanctuary, COO Lawrence Bates and Animal Carers Mary Lenton and Sandra Peelo successfully completed the Three Peaks Challenge in just under 24 hours.

They were raising money to help rescue two European Brown Bears, Benji and Balu from a concrete pit in Azerbaijan.

Ben Nevis first
The team, joined by their dedicated driver Dan, set off for Scotland on 19th June, kindly sponsored by Red Funnel Ferries.

They began their 1,345m climb of Ben Nevis at 6am the next morning and completed the walk up and down Ben Nevis in just over five hours.

Ascending Scafell Pike
After a five-hour drive back to England, the team started their 978m ascent of Scafell Pike.

This arduous climb was made difficult by weary legs, but they completed the climb in just under three and a half hours.

Snowdon last
It was 1:30am the next morning when the team began their 1,085m climb of Snowdon in Wales in the pitch black.

They were treated to an amazing sunrise when they reached the top of Snowdon, which they completed in just over four hours – leaving just 6 minutes to spare of their 24-hour time limit!

Lenton: Fortunate to have the weather on our side every step of the way
Mary had this to say about her experience,

“The National Three Peaks Challenge, what an experience and what an achievement! Completed with just six minutes to spare! We are delighted to have raised over £3,600 for a project that is so special to us, the discomfort we felt for those 24 hours is nothing compared to the discomfort Benji and Balu have faced for the last ten years.

“We were so fortunate to have the weather on our side every step of the way, the tranquility and solitude of standing on the summit of Ben Nevis is not comparable to anything I’ve experienced before, just the three of us standing above the clouds surrounded by blue skies, albeit a little chilly!

“Following on from Ben Nevis it wasn’t long before we reached our second mountain, Scafell Pike. A mountain which I had personally underestimated! With already tired legs, the ascent was relentless with no let up. All to be forgotten, though, once we were treated to a beautiful sunset on a crystal-clear evening on the summit.

“Between the three of us we didn’t get much sleep on the journey from Scafell to the final peak, Snowdon, added to which one of the team suffered with a little travel sickness! We were extremely exhausted when we arrived at Snowdon at 1.30am!! Climbing in the dark had its challenges to say the least, not to mention the fact we got lost (twice!) that certainly got the adrenaline going. Snowdon didn’t disappoint though, and we were greeted on the summit to a beautiful sunrise, and not just any sunrise – it was the summer solstice!

“None of us could believe our challenge was nearing an end, all those months of training, planning and apprehension. A wise friend told us to enjoy and take in every moment, and that we certainly did, with not a blister between us!”

What an incredible achievement on all levels! Well done to Lawrence, Mary and Sandra.

If you could like to support the campaign, you can donate via the Just Giving page.

News shared by Lee on behalf of Wildheart Animal Sanctuary. Ed