goddess sculpture

Women’s achievements celebrated on International Women’s Day 2016

It’s International Women’s Day today (Tuesday 8 March) and across the world the achievements of women will be celebrated.

There are around 70,000 women living on the Isle of Wight*, made up of carers, teachers, scientists, doctors and nurses, business leaders, bus drivers, artists, property developers, musicians, stay at home mums, the list is endless, but all making a positive contribution to society in their own ways.

The ‘Inspiring Women on the Isle of Wight’ group have now held two meetings with like-minded women to share ideas and plans. Several positive actions have come out of the meetings, including raising awareness for women suffering domestic abuse.

You can find out more about the group by joining them on Facebook.

Drive to get women on the council
Cllr Julie Jones Evans is one of only a handful of women elected to the Isle of Wight council. She’s hoping to encourage more women to become councillors and has organised an event taking place this coming Friday, 11th March at Newclose Cricket Pavilion, Blackwater Rd, Newport between 10.30 -12.30.

Local council elections take place in 2017, so now is the time for any interested women to start to find out more and build a campaign.

Julie says,

“For all of us that would like to see a council with more female members (currently only 5 out of 40 are women) the first meeting to make this happen will be next Friday.

“The aim is to have a general chat about how we can change the current gender balance at County Hall, what being a Councillor entails, how others can support candidates and get the ball rolling.

Vix Lowthion and I will be there and I’ll invite the other female Councillors along too. The council elections are next May and that also includes most of the town and parish councils too, so plenty of opportunity to get involved from being a candidate to putting up a poster. Support on all levels is crucial, it’s not just about being a candidate.

For those who can’t make next week, we can do it again Monday 21st March 6.30pm (venue to be confirmed).”

Something to make you chuckle
On a closing point, we love this cheeky poke by the pranksters over at ‘Isle of Wight Can Depress’. It’s a friendly pop at the bloomer by the CP at the beginning of the year that inspired the creation of the Inspirational Women group.

Isle of Wight County Press celebrates International Women's Day by asking leading Isle of Wight men what they think about it.

Posted by Isle of Wight Can Depress on Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Find out more about International Women’s Day by visiting their Website.

References: 1. 2011 census data

Image: rosaydani under CC BY 2.0