Frank James

Work begins to repair vandalism and neglect at Frank James Hospital

Thanks to Steve for this update on Frank James Hospital. Ed

Work starts this week to repair damaged parts of the roof, windows, and guttering at the Grade II listed former Frank James Hospital after thirteen years of neglect and vandalism, following the issue of an Urgent Works Notice by the Council.

Follows work to secure building
This work should put an end to the damage being caused to the building by bad weather (and pigeons), and follows the work done to secure the building at ground level with help from Island professional Richard Manser of SafeSiteIOW, who has now also secured Down House, the adjacent former health centre building, on behalf of the new owners.

The Frank James roof work will be done by another Island professional, Tony Williams of Lead Overcoat Ltd. Both Tony and Richard had previously provided free help and advice to assist the Frank James Friends campaign to rescue the much loved historic building.

Credit where it’s due
On behalf of everyone wanting to restore Frank James to use the Friends would also like to give particular credit and thanks to the present IWC (especially Conservation Officer Lee Byrne), Historic England, CADO (Community Assets in Difficult Ownership), SPAB (the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings), SAVE, and The Victorian Society.

CADO and SPAB have advanced money to start the long overdue urgent work that may well have saved Frank James from being lost for ever (costs will eventually be recovered from the absentee owners).

The Friends are now working with the Down House owners on the shared boundary, and will continue to help at Frank James until the former hospital is also re-occupied.

Summer solstice get together
We plan to celebrate the summer solstice and the completion of the repair work on the afternoon of Sunday 21st June, and will as usual welcome those wishing to join us.

Image: © Josh Aitken

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