crafting event with women
Image: emily webster under CC BY 2.0

WOW! Women’s Centre in Newport hosts farewell events this week

This week (commencing 4th September) sees a series of final sessions take place at the WOW! Women’s Centre in Newport.

As reported by News OnTheWight back in July, the closure is part of Wight DASH, the Isle of Wight’s domestic abuse charity, coming to an end. After 32 long years of dedicated service, primarily to women and children, the charity has found itself compelled to close its doors due to a lack of funding.

Farewell celebration
This last week for the Women’s Centre ends on Friday with a farewell celebration (between 12pm and 2.30pm), where women are invited to pop along and share their good memories of the Centre, whilst enjoying tea and cake with the team.

Other activities
The week is packed with other activities, open from 10am-4pm every day, except Tuesday, leading up to that final event.

Monday offers ‘take your pick day’, choose a craft activity or relax with a cuppa and a chat. There’s also a Yoga and Sound Bath Experience (but you need to book for this).

Get creative
Wednesday has ‘Knit and Natter’ from 10.30am-12.30pm, as well as Art Drop In between 1pm to 1.30pm and Creative Writing between 2.30pm-3.30pm.

Thursday is the final Creative Craft session (1pm to 2.30pm) and a chance to finish any outstanding projects, as well as collect your art/craft works.

Find out more
You can find the WOW Women’s Centre at 4/5 St James’ St, Newport PO30 5HE. See the Wight DASH Website for more information.