Cameron Palin signing documents to become Deputy Mayor

Youngest Deputy Mayor in the country? Cameron Palin sets his sights on positive change

East Cowes town councillor, Cameron Palin, has been appointed as Deputy Mayor, making him possibly the youngest Deputy Mayor in the country.

Cllr Palin, who is the Green Party’s Prospective Parliamentary candidate in East Wight for next General Election, was also thought to have been the youngest town councillor when he was elected to the Osborne ward in 2021.

Palin: Is going to be a real privilege and honour
Having been active in local politics since a young age, Cllr Palin was blocked from standing in the local elections in 2019 due to his then-age (16).

Following election as Deputy Mayor this week, Cllr Palin told News OnTheWight,

“I’m delighted to have been elected by my fellow councillors to serve as deputy mayor for the year ahead.

“Being able to represent our town at civic events across the Island is going to be a real privilege and honour, especially alongside our Mayor Cllr Tracy Reardon.”

Cameron Palin wearing deputy mayor's chain
Cameron Palin wearing his civic chain

Palin: It’s going to be an exciting year for our town
Cllr Palin went on to say,

“As a town we have many challenges ahead, as well as lots of positive projects we want to get off the ground.

“It is going to be an exciting year for our town and I look forward to help lead much of the positive change!”