Tough Sentences For Rioters Says MP

Following the recent riots across the country, this in from Isle of Wight MP, Andrew Turner’s office. Ed

The Island’s MP Andrew Turner has spoken out in support of tough sentencing for those involved in the recent riots in London and elsewhere across the country.

It has been reported in the national press that some LibDem MPs and Baroness Hamwee, the Liberal Democrat Home Affairs Spokesman in the House of Lords have spoken out against tough sentences, saying they are ‘bonkers, bonkers, bonkers’ and that there should be ‘zero tolerance for zero tolerance’.

“Tough sentences are necessary”, says Turner
Mr Turner, however, takes the view that individuals who took part in the riots last week, or anyone that tried to incite civil unrest should receive a penalty, which as well as being a punishment, will deter others from taking part in future disturbances.

Mr Turner believes, not only that tough sentences are necessary in these circumstances, but they are supported by the majority of the British public.

“Time to instil some discipline”
This morning, Mr Turner said, “Whilst the vast majority of people abide by the law, it is time to instil some discipline and respect amongst the mindlessly violent and criminal minority who took part in the riots. There was a complete breakdown of the normal standards of order and security. Innocent bystanders were terrified, businesses were looted and premises destroyed. Many people lost their livelihoods and their homes and five people have died as a result. Anarchy on our streets, such as we saw it last week simply cannot be permitted to happen again.

“The sentences being handed down by the courts are, in my view, absolutely correct. They are a fit punishment and they will hopefully also deter similar activity in the future. To claim otherwise, as some are doing, is simply pandering to the criminal, abusive and violent elements in our society. In my view zero tolerance is the right approach.”

“I also think we should be looking at withdrawing benefits from those convicted of rioting and looting. If people want the advantages that come from our society – they must play by the rules. An e-petition calling for this on the Government’s new website has over 200,000 signatories. I hope we will be debating this in Parliament at the earliest opportunity.”

Image: Hozinja under CC BY 2.0

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