Stewart Blackmore

Coverage of Labour Party election campaign launch

OnTheWight will be reporting live from the launch of the Isle of Wight Labour Party election campaign launch this morning from 10.30am.

Taking place at the newly opened Ventnor Enterprise Centre (formerly Salisbury Gardens Coastal Centre) Stewart Blackmore will announce the second phase of his campaign.

((Apologies, a lack of Internet/mobile connection did not allow live coverage))

Labour Party election campaign launch
Deborah Gardiner introduces prospective parliamentary candidate Stewart Blackmore. Questions from the press are welcomed and the public are invited to speak to Stewart afterwards.

Stewart Blackmore: Enterprise Centre is a true example of how localism works, giving the local council power to do things for the benefit of the people living in the locality.

Honoured to be selected by my colleagues. I will try my best to remove one of the most right wing MPs from Westminster.

I have lived here for 37 years, have two kids born and educated on the Island, now grown up and working.

An Independent MP will have no influence at a national level. Only two ever elected in country in the last 50 years.

As a Labour MP, I will be championing the Island, as I feel Islanders have been underrepresented by the current MP.

I will be campaigning on national issues, health, sustainable energy etc., as well as local issues, tenants’ rights, living wage a priority, public transport, shift bus subsidy from operators to local authorities to allow greater provision, ferry services (a cartel in my view) should have public service obligation. It’s fundamental.

Andrew Turner (AT) has meekly agreed with the minister that there would be no re-nationalisation.

Tourism vital to the Island – as Labour MP I would lobby for tourism and work with initiatives such as cutting Tourism VAT.

Andrew Turner has been less than enthusiastic about challenging Government.

I am the MP who will make a difference.

((End of SB speech))

Ed Gouge speaking now, he’s the agent for SB. There’s a perception that Labour doesn’t do it on the Island. The Island is shifting, this election is very different to others.

Have been talking to thousands of people over last year, campaigning on the doorsteps. Lib Dem decline has been dramatic in the Island. No campaigning so far. They are not the main challengers to Tories.

People on doorstep saying they will vote Labour rather than Lib Dem. Tory and UKIP are very right wing – Labour is the real challenger.


Questions from press
Q from Simon (OnTheWight) What do think of Green surge?

SB: If they are to make a real difference need to be in Parliament. If elected in sufficient numbers in hung parliament could be xxxxx. We believe the election is there for Labour to win. I have been involved in many green issues locally over past years.

Q from Lucy (IW Radio) There was a vote of confidence in AT last week and they have a massive majority?

SB: The Lib Dems gained 22k votes in last election – we expect nationally to take 33-35% of voters – being told on door steps they are going to vote Labour. IW should be treated as marginal seat. Not worried about split voting. Labour votes won’t be split.

Questions from public
Q from Mary Craven: Am a resident and former candidate in the local elections – I thought I was a credible candidate but shocked when UKIP candidate got as many votes as I did.

SB: I do see them as threat, but a faceless threat. National elections are different – they don’t have resources locally to fight Labour. I’ve been on the doorstep for nine months, haven’t encountered other parties. This is between Labour and Tory nationally and locally between Andrew Turner and Stewart Blackmore.

Ed Gouge: Opinion polls say only half of those who voted UKIP in local elections will vote UKIP in general election.

Q from member of the public: Would you welcome a public debate?

SB: Yes, would like to, no place to hide, no whispers in ear or notes pushed in front of candidates.

Deborah Gardiner: Many hustings in 1997 and 2001 and some were broadcast, but felt there was some collusion in 2010 to make sure there were fewer hustings and none were broadcast. Candidates should be obliged to go and answer questions.

Q from Peter: The media should organise the hustings.

SB: Yes, crucial that candidates be seen by speech and body language and so public can form opinion of them. Don’t see how candidates can refuse.

Simon Perry: Rest assured, OnTheWight are planning a hustings


Q from Robin: Re the ‘Green surge’, may only take away from Labour vote, so it’s a case of if you vote green you’ll get blue. Don’t forget David Cameron’s reference to “that green crap”.

Ed Gouge: Greens can’t put together an-anti Tory majority on the Island in the same way that Labour can.

Matthew McKew (CP): Would you vote for a fixed link?

SB: Not the plan that has recently been advertised – my personal view is for a fixed link, not saying it’s the answer, but it’s the people here who will say whether there should be one. It can’t be made by political parties.

Q from Christine Benson: All good priorities, what about big issues like economy, immigration and Europe? Don’t you think Labour Party should be taking about these big issues?

SB: Immigration could have taken a stronger lead in the face of UKIP. I am pro-European, immigration was and is a good thing. The facts and figures don’t add up. There’ll be clear blue water re the economy, these things are going to be addressed in longer term way. Look at the economy as long term mortgage.

Questions called to an end ((just as the sun comes out))

Article edits:
Updated reference by DG to collusion re: non braodcast of hustings.