Ventnor Precept To Be Decided On Monday: Updated

Following this week’s Town Council (VTC) meeting where most of it was held in private, those interested in such events should be pleased to hear that there’ll be another VTC meeting this coming Monday.

We’re pleased to report that following problems obtaining agendas for the meetings, one arrived in our inbox the next day (mind you, we’re still awaiting acknowledgments and responses to other queries, but hey, you can’t have everything).

As well as considering the latest planning applications for the Ventnor area, the VTC will be setting the precept for 2010/11 (that’s the town council’s share of the council tax paid by Ventnor residents) we now hear that discussion of the precept has been postponed until Monday 1st February at 7.00pm.

Update 2 – Monday morning: We’re informed this this won’t be discussed tonight either but at a meeting on 1st February In addition they will be agreeing a working party and employment of a Health and Safety consultant following the recent Health and Safety Audit.

This is all preceded, of course, by 15 minutes allowed for public questions.

The next full VTC meeting will be 8th February.
Image: quin anya under CC BY-SA 2.0

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