Peter Delivers Aid To Gaza by Flotilla

As was mentioned on VB a couple of weeks ago, Ryde resident Peter Venner will be returning to Gaza shortly, this time joining a flotilla on the water, rather than the previous road based convoy.

Peter left the Island last night and is now making his way to Turkey where he’ll join others on the flotilla of eight boats which are attempting to take building materials and school supplies to Gaza.

Believing that grassroots action is the only way to break the blockade and let the Gazans know they have not been entirely forgotten by the rest of the world, Peter will be facing Israeli warships in order to deliver much needed school supplies and building materials to Gaza.

A 50kg bag of cement costs £3. If anyone would like to donate money for a bag of cement, or school supplies, please contact Rachel on [email protected]

We’re sure you’ll join us in wishing Peter a safe and successful journey.