Call For Military Road Realignment

As VB mentioned last week, tonight the Isle of Wight Cabinet will be considering several options for the future of the Military Road.

Call For Military Road RealignmentFollowing public consultation around the Island, several options are being put forward to the Cabinet members, with the recommendation of interim works, redirecting underground water away from the road be voted through. The temporary solution was suggested by engineer Dr Bruce Denness back in the summer.

Commit to realignment
However, former Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for the Island, Jill Wareham, will tonight be calling on the seven Tory Cabinet members to agree to the inland realignment option.

She said, “Over three and half thousand people have joined the Facebook group to ‘Save the Military Road’, 163 have signed the online petition and 446 people have signed the paper petition.

“Seven (Conservative) councillors will be making a decision tonight on the road’s future. Most people who responded to the consultation (61%) wanted the Council to construct a new road. The drainage scheme is likely to only give 3 or 4 years life to the road. This isn’t good enough.

“The cost to the tourist industry and the local residents has not been measured. The Military Road is so important to the Isle of Wight that we must make every effort to prolong its life. This view is supported by local residents, tourists, the Chamber of Commerce, Town and Parish Councils – the Isle of Wight Councillors must listen to these people who will be most affected by the road closure.”

Options on the table
There are several options on the table, but all obviously, during this time of massive budget cuts, will be considered on the cost implications.

Description of works Approx cost
To protect the coastline under immediate threat by the construction of sea defences. £600,000

Retain the existing road by drainage through pile foundations. £500,000

Retain the road on its current alignment by intercepting ground water from the adjoining land. £200,000

To realign the road further inland £8,000,000

Construct a by-pass for Brook £8,000,000

Divert traffic via existing roads. £50,000

Image: © Used with the kind permission of Jason Swain

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