Ventnor Town Council Shows Interest In Becoming Green Town

Sam Buck from Natural Enterprise (more on NE later), was a guest speaker at Monday night’s Ventnor Town Council (VTC) meeting.

Ventnor Town Council Shows Interest In Becoming Green TownShe was there to explain about the Green Town project and to invite the VTC to get involved.

What’s a Green Town?
The aim of the project is to encourage large scale environmental action within the community.

This might be through raising awareness of the importance of insulation of houses, to growing and selling local produce. Emergency littler picks and finding ways of improving public transport would also be encouraged.

The Green Town scheme that has proved extremely successful during its pilot year, with three towns already signed up.

Natural Enterprise provides support
Sam explained that Natural Enterprise would be able to advise and provide help with funding applications, whilst the community set up a steering group.

She went on to say that Green Town branding could provide a great boost for local businesses adding to the Blue Flag status and Butterfly Town plans.

The VTC agreed that they’d like to take things further and find out more about becoming a Green Town.

Get involved
The next stage would be to put out an appeal for interested residents to join the Steering Group.

Sam stressed that it didn’t need to be made up entirely of town councillors and encouraged members of the public to join.

Find out more about Green Towns via the Natural Enterprise Website.

Image: Steve Punter under CC BY 2.0

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