Young Liam Catches 3lb Perch With Single Maggot

Eleven year old Liam Prevett from Ryde walked away a happy lad earlier this week, after catching a 3lb 3oz Perch with a single red maggot from ‘Kingfisher’ Lake, Merstone.

Young Liam Catches 3lb Perch With Single MaggotHe was just one of seven taking part in a Barnardo’s programme for children from Ryde called ‘Go For It!’.

The programme gives youngsters to the chance to try out things that they might not normally have access to, things like ice skating, bowling, watersports and angling.

IOW Angling Trust Course
There are seven lads taking part in the Angling Course organised by Adrian Nicholas from the IOW Angling Trust.

Adrian told VB that the course is being held in association with a volunteer IWCAAC group of three Level 2 ADB coaches, Lee Davidson, Chris Renouf with two able assistants, Tom Martindale & John Woodall.

Danny Williams, SE regional ADB Officer helped launch the latest course which started on the 27th September with an elegant fly-casting demonstration that clearly ‘captivated’ the attendant young audience.

John Creaser, of the IWFAA has set up an attendant scheme that allow pupils completing the course to join the IWFAA the following year.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the course, full details can be obtained from Adrian Nicholas on (01983) 559296 or 0781 0291 838. Alternatively you can email him: [email protected]