Budget Cuts: School Reorganisation To Be Removed From Council’s Priority List

Not just cuts being announced.

Budget Cuts: School Reorganisation To Be Removed From Council's Priority ListWe have just seen the full Isle of Wight council cut proposals which have just been outlined in preparation of the December Cabinet Meeting.

Here’s what they say about the School Reorganisation …

This strategic project has completed its first phase: that of retaining Year 5 pupils in their current primary schools with appropriate staffing and resources.

The next phase will be the retention of Year 6 pupils in their primary schools from September 2011 and the closure of middle schools with responsibility for years 7 and 8 transferring to the newly formed secondary schools.

There will be an ongoing third phase which will relate to the rebuild and refurbishment of school buildings across the Island on a priority basis which will require a level of staffing resource less than current.

It is proposed that the revenue budget for this activity is absorbed into the relevant directorate’s costs as from September 2001 (Think they mean 2011 here – Ed).

The strategic project to underpin this corporate priority will cease in October 2011 and school re-organisation will be removed from the Council’s priority list when the new Corporate Plan in published in the spring of 2011.