The roof of the Ryde Castle is on fire.
Island fire services received the call at 22:04 and now have five fire engines down there and are fighting a fire on the roof.
Everyone has been accounted for.
There’s talk on the social networks of fireworks having been let off about an hour ago. Unconfirmed.
Road closures are in place.
Police and ambulance are in attendance as are fire officer and Control units.
Thoughts are with those who are involved.
Update 23:27 : Fire control tells us that a second turntable ladder vehicle has been dispatched to fight the fire.
Ryde Castle is the 9th highest Trending subject on Twitter in the UK.
23:46 @LanaTurner1989 Tells VB “Flames can now be seen in bedroom windows close to bridal suite.”
Many thanks to @LanaTurner1989 for originally alerting us to the fire.
Thanks to John Burns from jbmtbmedia for this gallery of images
Click on images for larger versions
Update 18.March 01:08 Thanks to Nuckinuk for sending VB a link to this video. You get some idea on the visual, but what is most striking is the sound.
Their second video shows the increasing intensity of the fire in the room in the tower

Photo by PriceIsWight
Photo by Jody Neil Ruth
Photo by Ellis Lomas
Photo by Rhiannon Baxter
Photo by talktotippers
Photo by Kevin Barclay-Jay
Photo by aidan hartland-davis
Photo by talktotippers