Medina High School with Art Blast flags by Editor5807 on Wikipedia

New Head for Medina College named (updated)

This afternoon, OnTheWight received news that a new head, to replace Nathan Thomas who is leaving, has been chosen.

As you will be aware, Nathan Thomas will be leaving Medina to become the Headteacher of a school in Andover from September. Following a rigorous two day appointment process, and on behalf of the Governing Body and the Island Innovation Trust, I am delighted to inform you that Richard Williams has been appointed to the post of Head Teacher and Federation Lead.

Parents of children in Year 13 will remember Richard as the Headteacher of Medina High School and since leaving Medina in 2010 Richard has gained a wide range of experience, most recently as Regional Director of Education for the Academies Enterprise Trust.

The panel decision was unanimous and the appointment is enthusiastically supported by Hampshire Local Authority, who were part of the process.

I am enthusiastic about the future and feel that Richard will build on the excellent work of Nathan Thomas and take Medina and the Federation from strength to strength.

Yours sincerely

Terence Hart
Chair of the Governing Body

Update 4.4.2014
Following publication of the above, OnTheWight received the further information from Island Innovation Trust,

Richard Williams left Medina in 2010 to become the Principal Designate of one of the country’s leading teacher training universities to establish their flagship academy in Kent replacing a failing predecessor school. Fourteen months after the new academy opened under Richard’s leadership it was judged by OfSTED to have no remaining areas of weakness, and the leadership and capacity for improvement for the academy was judged to be “Good”. This new academy achieved the best ever set of results in its history at the end of its first year of operation.

Since then Richard has gained a wealth of experience and is currently a Regional Director of Education for the largest academy chain in the country and is responsible for delivering successful education outcomes at nine academies (four secondary academies and five primary academies). In his career as a successful educational leader Richard has worked in outstandingly successful schools in a range of contexts and geographical locations, not only here in the UK but also in the Channel Islands and the Middle East. Richard has maintained strong links with the Island since he left, and has a thorough understanding of, and empathy for, the Island context. He has a strong desire to return to the Island to work with our ambitious Governing Body and Trust, and is delighted to have been appointed.

Mark Price, Chairman of Island Innovation Trust commented,

“This is an important time for the Island Innovation Trust and we are delighted to have appointed someone with such extensive skills and experience. Under Richard Williams’ leadership, working in partnership with Peter Shaw as Headteacher of Carisbrooke College, we look forward to the successful development of the two Colleges and the wider Federation.”

Image: Editor5807 on Wikipedia under a Public Domain license

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