Totland 'sea defences' Nov 2013 - Isle of Wight council

Fate of Totland seawall discussed by council members

At last night’s Executive meeting, members voted to delay making a decision on whether to spend up to £200,000 on a ‘Make and Mend’ solution to tackle the Totland landslide.

A significant landslide occurred on the Totland coastline a year and a half ago, in December 2012. The seawall at Totland suffered extensive damage impacting the use of the popular footpath that ran between Totland Bay and Colwell Bay.

Cllr Jordan, the Executive Member responsible for public health and safety, last night highlighted the detailed report into the failure of the sea wall compiled by consultants, Mott MacDonald, which sets out possible options to address the problem.

Choices offered in report
Do nothing, ‘make and do mend’ or a multi-million pound reconstruction were the options presented in the report.

Although the ‘make and mend’ option was originally recommended by officers, an option that would’ve seen the pedestrian link between Totland and Colwell reinstated, it was superseded last night by a new fourth option.

Defer decision until further information available
Members were advised to defer their decision-making until the ‘winter flood report’ – which is due to be presented to the Executive in July – had been considered.

It was suggested this would better inform Members of the possible expenditure needed across the Isle of Wight following the floods and other landslides that have occurred in the last 12 months.

This would undoubtedly have an impact on the resources available to the council to allocate to various projects, including Niton Undercliff and Cowes Enterprise College.

Impact on tourism
Cllr Jordan pointed out how the closure of the pedestrian link has resulted in “lost opportunities in the area to tourism”.

He added that tourism in the West of the Island is “quite different to the East Wight”, attracting more cyclists and walkers, rather than the beach holiday-makers the East sees.

The petition from local residents calling on the Isle of Wight council to take action to reinstate the footpath was also highlighted and acknowledged.

Decision made
The item was voted upon and the deferral option was approved along with instruction to officers to seek a firm quotation on the ‘make do and mend’ option.

Leader of the council, Cllr Ian Stephens sought to reassure West Wight residents that even if the council “can’t do anything at this moment in time, it’s not dead in the water. We will continue to keep on striving to find ways forward”.

It’s likely the item will to come back to Members at the 5th August Executive meeting.

To see larger version, click on the full screen icon and the report will open in a new window.

Image: © Used with the kind permission of the Isle of Wight council

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11, June 2014 9:38 am

Government is harder to do when it’s up to you to do it.

Reply to  davidwalter
11, June 2014 9:50 am

Especially in the face of falling receipts from central government…. and continuously exceptionally high rainfall.

Spending money on a solution at the moment is dangerous as it’s likely to get wiped out if there is another significant slump again, as a result of continued waterlogged ground conditions…. which is pretty likely due to the continued waterlogged ground conditions.

Reply to  davidwalter
11, June 2014 8:59 pm

How true, David! At least the Indies are attempting a judgement of Solomon.

11, June 2014 9:15 pm

ThomasC — Yes, I understand the problems but government comes with that type of problem. They are part of the job. Complaining that it’s the wrong sort of weather or others aren’t doing their bit (e.g. money shortage) doesn’t wash when you’re in power however much truth there might be in the argument. Just listening to Sky News. Item 1 is the wave of brutal fighting spreading… Read more »

Phil Jordan
11, June 2014 10:12 pm

david Walters: we have to make the right decision david…..that cannot be done until we have all the information to hand about all capital expenditure that faces the Council is known. what is also a serious quandary is that we have little guarantee any solution will be successful over time. don’t forget also at our May meeting we asked for a definite costing for Cowes Enterprise College.… Read more »

11, June 2014 10:34 pm

Phil, yes, of course I realise that and my point isn’t loaded in any way. I was present at the May meeting and flabbergasted that it could take so long to get a quote. Budget quote would be all you could get, of course. It was simply diligence to insist on a price and the Council took the right decision, IMO. Totland was different, though. Perhaps you’d… Read more »

phil jordan
11, June 2014 11:03 pm

David walters: Thanks david…. I wouldn’t necessarily agree that option 4 was “last minute” but, notwithstanding that, to a great extent we had been expecting the Flood report for some time now and it was only during May we learned it would be brought to Executive in July. This was in part due to the finalisation of the report and the process of tabling agenda items for… Read more »

11, June 2014 11:29 pm

Phil, Option four is “do nothing until…” without a timed deadline. It’s hard enough to keep things on track with a time but tied to some event rather than date will be almost impossible. It’ll be on the agenda a year from now, I am sure. You are never going to get firm quotes for work such as the Cowes College or the Totland wall. Well, someone… Read more »

phil jordan
Reply to  davidwalter
12, June 2014 8:20 am

david walters: David, without appearing pedantic…option four says: ” That officers are authorised to seek more robust costs of the option to include within the flood investigation report due to be considered by the July Executive meeting”…. That does not say, suggest or imply that we “do nothing” whatsoever. We cannot, however, just look at Totland in isolation from the other major Capital Costs we face…it has… Read more »

The Sciolist
11, June 2014 11:35 pm

Last time I looked, the council had reserves? Is this not a perfect example of unexpected expenditure deserving of a raid on the reserves?

If not for this, what are they for? Steve and Co, why not tell Dave Burbage Ltd you want to use this cash?

11, June 2014 11:46 pm

Sciologist — How much did you see, and when did you last see it?

12, June 2014 10:19 am

Phil — Yes, I do have ideas. When I delivered the Moa Place Freshwater petition to Jon Gilbey last week we had an interesting talk; speak to Jon, I hope he will confirm that it isn’t my style just to ‘snipe from the gallery’ as a point-scoring past-time. One of the big problems facing any new administration is the ‘Yes Minister’ trap. Indeed, I wonder whether sitting… Read more »

12, June 2014 10:27 am

Phil — The European Islands thing sounds like a waste of time to me. I cannot think of a single EU island that is comparable with the IoW on any level. As for the £2.5m – great, but it isn’t such a large sum for the whole of the Isle of Wight and far less than we are ‘entitled’ to. I’m wondering if the break-points are fair… Read more »

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