In February 2014, members of the Isle of Wight Planning Committee rejected a proposed development at Atherfield Bay for 95 units of accommodation.
The application by Sandy Lane Resort Limited was then revised and re-submitted, once again attracting large opposition.
Reasons for refusal
The first application was refused planning permission on the basis that members concluded the “application by virtue of its size, scale, mass and density would fail to protect, conserve or enhance the integrity of the natural environment and would adversely impact on the surrounding landscape”.
Sandy Lane Resort Limited have now lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol against the original refusal.
Strengthen opposition
Local councillor, Bob Seely told OnTheWight,
“What seems to have happened is that they saw opposition to the scheme getting stronger, with both Parish Councils (Brighstone and Shorwell) now coming out against, as well as the AONB strengthening its opposition, and many more local objectors.
“The basic problem remains the scale of the development. It is very large for such a sensitive site, yet the developers are refusing to scale down the development. Rather than face the high chance of defeat with the new application, it seems they now feel their best chance is to object to the original refusal.
“As far as I can see, I think many residents feel that this is a cynical attempt to play the planning system. Clearly I am concerned as I want to make sure that residents have a voice and that the system is perceived to be fair to all sides.”
Have your say
Residents who wish to comment on the Appeal must write to Darren Cryer on quoting reference APP/P2114/A/14/2223277 by 16th September 2014.
You can also comment online by following this link and searching under the postcode PO38 2JD