high flyer

Council agree recruitment campaign for new Isle of Wight Chief Executive (update)

The press and public were excluded from the Isle of Wight council chamber last night as members discussed a recommendation in relation to the appointment of a new Isle of Wight Chief Executive.

They agreed to initiate a recruitment campaign to find someone to take on the role of Chief Executive – with a minimum salary of £125,000 – replacing the current MD, Dave Burbage, who has indicated he does not wish to continue in the role beyond March 2016.

Range of options considered
The paper put before members last night set out a range of options for consideration, having previously been debated by the Employment Committee.

Having sat outside the chamber for over an hour, it was apparent that an amendment had been tabled and was being debated and voted upon.

As the council confirmed this morning the recommendation was approved as set out in the paper, it’s clear the amendment, whatever it was, did not attract enough support.

Approved by members
The recommendations approved were


a) a replacement to the existing post of managing director (to be renamed chief executive) should be agreed and a recruitment campaign be initiated as soon as possible;

b) a politically proportionate employment sub-committee be established to manage the formal appointment process, consisting of the Leader, Deputy Leader and the other members of the Employment Committee;

c) a minimum salary of £125,000 for the post be agreed and that Full Council determine where the resultant savings are to be secured or accept that the additional costs incurred by this decision will add to the existing budget gap.

The votes
Despite the Chairman initially saying the decision made by the members was unanimous (which was met by roars from the members), the votes were as follows.

The votes for the amendment were 14 for, 19 against and three abstentions. The amendment fell and members voted for the substantive proposal.

Voting for the proposal was 26 for, 11 against and no abstentions.

Full details can be found in Paper D below. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

Article edits
Added the voting details.

Image: D. Sinclair Terrasidius under CC BY 2.0