Fast Flow signage

Potential traffic nightmare exposed in leaked Red Funnel video

This brilliant crafted April Fools was created by Ian Winter. We were hugely impressed by the sheer amount of time and effort he put into creating it! Ed

In a surprising leak of company-confidential promotional materials early this morning, plans by Red Funnel to re-organise traffic-management at its Cowes Red Jet terminal will see a major reform of the way Islanders are able to drive into the terminal to pick-up and drop-off passengers.

Anybody who has tried to drive into the Cowes terminal will confirm that traffic-flow and parking within the confined area causes long delays and awkward traffic-jams at peak periods. The leaked documents and video make it clear that Red Funnel plans to solve the problem by introducing a deli-style numbering system, similar to those that work so well in supermarkets and Post Offices.

Video reveals mocked-up plans
The video – which we believe was created by an external marketing agency to aid management in choosing the best way to unveil their solution – reveals company-confidential plans, proposed advertising materials, and mock-ups for how Red Funnel expects the service to look and function.

Three-point plan
From the leaked materials, it’s clear that Red Funnel’s plans are:

  1. Every vehicle (apart from public transport and licensed taxis) will be required to take a ticket from a new dispenser at the bottom of Terminus Road.
  2. If the number on their ticket is the same as (or lower than) the one displayed on new “next customer” display signs, then they can proceed into the terminal.
  3. If their number has not yet been displayed, then drivers should simply loop around the High Street and Carvel Lane and then check again if their number has been called.

The new Fast Flow Traffic System

The ticket-dispenser is larger than those used conventionally in supermarkets, to make them easier for drivers to reach, and we understand they will also use “vandal-proof paper”. Documents suggest that Red Funnel will employ marshals throughout the “Carvel Lane Loop” to direct any confused drivers to the correct lane.

As part of the launch plan, Red Funnel will be introducing its new mascot, “The Red Funnel Fennec Fox” to promote the new traffic-flow rules, with marketing plans including new signage throughout Cowes, and a jingle to be broadcast hourly on all local radio stations:

“If your number is not found, just turn right, and loop-the-loop around!”

At the time of going to press, Red Funnel could not be reached for comment.

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Peter P
1, April 2016 11:04 am

Oh please. This is going to be disaster.

What happens when it’s raining and you have to lean out of the window to get a ticket? Not only will I get wet, but so will the ticket. Then what?

Darren Irving
Reply to  Peter P
1, April 2016 11:18 am

What a great idea!
Not that different to what happens now anyway!
Peter- I have contacted them on your behalf, they have stated the tickets are waterproof, but are now also prepared to put a awning up to keep you dry!
Not just that though, they are using a local sailmaker to provide said awning, so sustaining Island economy further

Reply to  Darren Irving
1, April 2016 11:48 am

Will drivers be getting a free pack of extra mature cheddar to eat whilst they wait?

Can I be the one to record the message come in number 25 your time is up?

1, April 2016 11:21 am

Red funnel driving us round in circles again

Red Funn(y)el
1, April 2016 11:29 am

Cowes is a beautiful old town. How will this ugly great machine standing is the street do anything but ruin it?

1, April 2016 11:34 am

The ““The Red Funnel Fennec Fox” eh?

Simon/Sal how about an OTW competition for an alternative description ?

Maybe “Another RFFoxup”?

1, April 2016 9:04 pm

Good commenting folks :/

Mike Kirby
2, April 2016 9:45 am

What a hairbrain idea! What happens when frustrated motorists decide to park up somewhere or drive off circuit- how does that affect the ring-a-ring-of-roses loopers waiting their turn? Think of all the extra traffic noise and hazardous pollution from traffic fumes, not to mention additional problems for police and emergency services attending broken down vehicles or sick persons requiring treatment blocked in stationery streams of traffic. No… Read more »

Darren Irving
Reply to  Mike Kirby
2, April 2016 10:14 am

Oh dear, Mike got sucked right in!
April fool story!

mark francis
Reply to  Darren Irving
2, April 2016 3:08 pm

How can you tell?

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