SWAY cyclists in churchyard

28-mile cycle ride between seven churches raises funds for the Historic Churches Trust

A group of ten young people and four adults from South Wight Area Youth (SWAY) successfully completed a route of 27.7 miles for Ride and Stride on Saturday 12th September.

The event that was to raise money for Historic Churches Trust and the group visited seven churches on the Island.

This year the cycling included a socially distanced ride and stops. Some joined in along the way while others headed home before the final stop depending on where they lived.

The route
The young boys and girls aged between 11 and 16 years who attend SWAY’s youth groups and activities together with staff and volunteers set off from St Mary’s, Niton at around 10am and went over St Catherine’s Down to St Andrew’s, Chale.

SWAY cyclists in churchyard

From there the group kept to bridleways and small roads as much as possible and made their way to St Peter’s, Shorwell. Then it was the big push up over Brighstone Down to All Saint’s, Calbourne and back.

Once at the top of Brighstone Down again, the group cut through to St Mary’s, Brook and headed for home calling in at St Peter’s and St Paul’s, Mottistone and St Mary’s, Brighstone.

Show your support
A weary, but satisfied bunch of cyclists returned to Niton at about 5pm having enjoyed a warm sunny day out and about on the Island.

The group certainly know more about each other, cycling and Island churches after this challenge.

The group so far have raised £70 for the Trust. If you should wish to donate please head to our Just Giving Page, and thank you.

What is SWAY?
SWAY runs a number of youth groups (currently on zoom) and activities in the south Wight that encourage young people to discover and develop their potential in life and engage with other young people in a responsible and accountable way to overcome the difficulties and challenges that face them.

Andy Dorning, Lead Youth Worker for SWAY said,

“The challenges like this one encourage young people into lively activity which then feeds back into zoom sessions and increased opportunities for conversations with young people and their families.”

Information about the up-coming programme and SWAY can be found on the Website or by contacting Andy on [email protected].