The top of a 5G Mast with blue sky and clouds in the background

5G rollout continues: East Cowes could be next in line for faster mobile connections

5G could be rolled out to another Isle of Wight town.

Approval is being sought by Reading-based CK Hutchison Networks to install a 20m high 5G mast in East Cowes.

The equipment would be installed on York Avenue, near Kynance Nursing Home and the Jubilee Recreation Ground, and would be used by the phone company, Three.

Cable boxes would also be installed on the footpath.

Faster download speeds and greater network capacity
5G has been introduced across the country and promises faster download speeds and greater network capacity.

Before the application was submitted, East Cowes Town Council was approached to comment on the plans.

Mixed reactions
One councillor said if the town wanted 5G, a mast was needed, as in other parts of the Island and in major urban areas.

Other councillors however said it was unsightly, in a very unpopular location, overlooking a children’s play park and school, above the treetops and in a residential area.

Not in keeping with the town’s vision
One went on to say it is not in keeping with the town’s vision for the Jubilee Recreation area and it would detract from the historic tree line which was planted by Prince Albert.

It was questioned why the mast could not be added to the existing telecommunications equipment and not create ‘new hideous overbearing structures’.

One objection has so far been submitted saying it would have a detrimental impact on footway users it would create a slalom effect and may be problematic for disabled people.

View the plans
You can view the plans, 22/02237/16APA, on the Isle of Wight Council’s planning portal.

Comments can be submitted until 18th January.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed

Image: pahudson under CC BY 2.0