Shock Cash Mob: Round two on Sunday

Last week’s Shock Cash Mob, organised by local business-women, Julie Jones-Evans and Lyn Blackledge, seemed to go down a storm.

Lyn Blackledge told us, “About seventeen people came to the meeting point to spend a fiver with a local trader (we kept the venue a secret until the last minute). Trade Winds was the chosen venue and the owners, Sheila and Ian were delighted when we all piled in their shop to spend our money.”

“We had our best day this year!”
Trader, Sheila Ferguson told On The Wight, “The first Cash Mob invasion was to our shop Trade Winds Global Gifts in Scarrots Lane, Newport – and very welcome it was too, though rather a shock for Ian who was in the shop alone as I was elsewhere.

“Many thanks to Lyn and Julie for organising this, we had our best day this year!”

All welcome on next Shock Cash Mob
The next Shock Cash Mob takes place on Sunday, 9 December 2012. If you want to take part, meet outside the Railway Medina Pub at 1.30pm.

Lyn says, “If you would like to join in with us again, I promise you there will be a great choice of items for £5 or less – so get Christmas shopping – supporting local traders.”

This will be the second Shock Cash Mob in Newport, after that other towns across the Island will be targeted.

Image: KJGarbutt under CC BY 2.0

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