Julia Banachowska age 15 receiving her award from Dame Janet Paraskeva

Students awarded for achievement and progress

Nat shares this latest from Ryde Academy. Ed

Ryde Academy held their Awards Evening on Thursday 14 July. This was an evening where parents and staff were able to share in the success of Ryde Academy students.

Awards were presented for each subject for ‘Highest Achievement’ and Best Progress’. Awards were also given out to students with 100% attendance.

The following students were awarded Governor’s Award by the Chair of Governors, Lesley Holmes.

  • Keiron Haigh age 12 (pictured below)
  • Megan Irwin age 13
  • Teagan Sibbick age 14
  • Matthew Churches age 14
  • Jack Millward age 16

The Governor Award is given to students in recognition of efforts they have made.

Kaitlyn Croxall was presented with the Principal’s Award for services to the school. As well as a glass trophy she was also given a vase with the Academy’s slogan ‘Shine Bright’ etched on it.

Parents and staff were also treated to two student performances; Year 10 singers performing ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’ and Anna in year 7 singing Birdy’s ‘Not about Angels’.

Kieron Haigh, age 12, receiving his award from the Chair of Governors, Lesley Holmes.

The Rt Honourable Dame Janet Paraskeva was the guest speaker for the evening. Dame Janet has held a variety of roles including as Chief Executive of the Law Society and at the Serious Organised Crime Agency. She was also appointed as the first Civil Service Commissioner in 2006. She began her career as a Science and Maths teacher.

Joy Ballard, Principal, said:

“I was so proud of our winners and it was very moving to see the delight on their parents’ faces. Ensuring children do well at school relies on a strong partnership between school and parents and it it was such a pleasure sharing together the success of our students.”

Image: Julia Banachowska, age 15, receiving her award from Dame Janet Paraskeva

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