Examination desks

Percentage of Isle of Wight students achieving at least a C in English and maths revealed

The council share this update on GCSE results. Ed

National performance measures have changed this year with new measures being introduced by the Government.

On the new “Basics Standard”, schools on the Island are reporting that 53% of students attained at least a C grade in English and mathematics combined. There is currently no national comparator data available.

On the Government’s new performance measure of Attainment 8, the initial reports suggest that schools on the Isle of Wight appear to have secured a combined figure of 4.5. Early indications are that this should compare favourably with national averages. Those national figures will be released next term.

Static results buck the trend
Although 5A*-C including English and mathematics is no longer counted in performance tables, taken collectively schools and academies are reporting that results have remained static overall at around 48%.

This is pleasing as it goes against the national trend of a fall in the level of achievement. It is down to individual schools to release an analysis of their results.

Around 1,270 students on the Isle of Wight sat their Key Stage 4 (KS4) examinations this summer.

When the official results are published later in the autumn, schools will also be judged against some new performance measures, including the progress children have made in a suite of eight subjects.

Image: comedynose under CC BY 2.0

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