chillerton gate opening

New Ramblers’ gates installed thanks to local council and residents

Maxine shares this latest news from Chillerton and Gatcombe. Ed

The residents of the Chillerton and Gatcombe celebrated the installation of four Ramblers’ gates with a walk across Chillerton Down.

The gates have made the route far more accessible to walkers and this was shown by the variety of ages of the participants. 37 people, ranging from 13 months to 83 years old, completed the walk along with ten dogs. The afternoon was rounded off with refreshments at the Village Hall.

Donate a Gate Scheme
The Isle of Wight Ramblers and the Isle of Wight Council ‘Rights of Way’ department, supported by the local National Trust, have established the footpath ‘Donate a Gate Scheme’.

Suitable stretches of footpath are identified to be wholly converted to gates in order to improve the access to the countryside for those people who cannot easily negotiate stiles.

The gates can incorporate an engraved commemorative plaque.

chillerton gate

Funded by local council and residents
Chillerton and Gatcombe Parish Council funded two of the gates and two were funded by local residents.

Cllr Gillian Belben, Chairman of the Parish Council said

“These gates will make a big difference to the community, both young and old. Our thanks go to the two donors, Jill Luscombe and Sally Cardew, National Trust volunteer John Hague, Derek Baty of the Ramblers who mounted the plaques, Neil Holland who installed the gates and the local landowners for helping this to happen.”

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