one life festival flyer

One Life Festival: Totally safe, one day music festival for adults with learning disabilities

It’s not long to go until the very first One Life Festival debuts on the Isle of Wight.

One Life Festival (OLF) is a new event created to provide a totally safe, supported festival, where adults with learning disabilities, ASD and the neurodiverse can enjoy a full festival experience.

The first OLF takes place on Wednesday 6th June at Tapnell Farm in the West Wight.

Live music all day
Platform One, the Isle of Wight’s music college, are the music partners for the festival and in between DJ sets from the fantastic Steppin’ Out Boogie Bus, students from the college will be providing live music throughout the day.

lewis shepperd

Vectis Radio’s Mark Newland will be spinning some discs and Peter Tautz will be MCing. As well as the Platform One band performing rock, funk and 80’s tracks, Peach Fuzz and Lewis Shepperd will also be taking to the stage.

Robert ‘Chip’ Clark, Jon Baker and Mark Lebonne will also all be getting involved at various stages.

And there’s more
It’s not just music to keep One Life festival-goers entertained, there will be magic, food and drink, skateboarding, face painting and adventure activities.

The fun takes place on Wednesday 6th June between midday (gates open at 11am) and 6pm at Tapnell Farm, West Wight.

pandas for one life festival

Tickets for the event are priced at £17 each. You can book through the Website paying via PayPal and all major credit cards.

Support Workers/companions will be admitted FREE – to obtain a support worker ticket, please forward a copy of your ticket receipt to [email protected].

The start of something bigger
If you know an adult with learning disabilities, ASD or the neurodiverse, please let them or their carers know about this event.

We’re certain it’s the start of something much bigger.

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