Doug Nettleton Resigns From Ventnor Town Council: New Candidates Sought

We read in the County Press that Ventnor town councillor Doug Nettleton has resigned as a councillor from Ventnor Town Council after five months in the position.

He’s quoted as saying “I resigned because I’ve simply had enough.”

Doug came back to the council, representing the people of St Lawrence, in this year’s election.

His seat was uncontested after Susan Scoccia withdrew her nomination to run in another ward. He and Buster Bartlett (who was proposed by Doug’s wife by Janet M. Nettleton) were guaranteed their places on the Town Council prior to the June elections.

In the public VTC meetings he hasn’t spoken very often, but it’s possible that he’s been more active behind closed doors.

Doug first joined the Ventnor town council in 1998.

The seat in St Lawrence has now become available. Anyone wanting to run need apply before 23 December.


Image: County Press

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