Sales Opp For Health & Beauty Businesses At Charity Event

Sales Opportunity For Health & Beauty Businesses At Charity EventAs was reported on VB recently, the YMCA at Winchester House in Shanklin is hosting a ‘Make-over for all Pamper Social’ next week.

The charity ‘make-over’ event encourages women (and possibly men) to go along to get their nails, make-up and hair style recreated in a relaxed social environment. The Isle of Wight College is supporting this event with a number of students going along to do hair and beauty.

Get involved and promote your business
YMCA are now looking for local health and beauty businesses that would like to support the event and have an opportunity to sell their products.

If you fit the bill, why not take a stall for the event, all that’s asked is you donate some funds to Help2Grieve.

They are able to provide one trestle table, chairs and hot beverages.

If you are interested and would like to book a space please call Kelly Matthews, event organiser on 01983 862441 or email by Wednesday 17th Feb.

Image: Kitt Walker under CC BY-SA 2.0