Greenfields (IW) Ltd filed an appeal on Friday 13th September 2024 with the Court of Appeal, Civil Division to the judgement made by Judge Jarman after the two day trial on 1st-2nd July 2024 in the Administrative Court with regards to the planning permission granted to build 472 houses on environmentally and protected species green fields at Westridge Farm in Ryde.
Friday’s filing at the Court of Appeal was accepted, subject to filing the sealed order from the Administrative Court when it is available, on the same day.
IW Council acted unlawfully in two out of five claims
The Administrative court judgement ruled overall in favour of IW Council, but did rule in favour of Greenfields (IW) Ltd, the company set up by residents in Ryde Appley and Elmfield, to fight the case, on two claims that IW Council acted unlawfully out of five with IW Council being ruled in favour of three claims.
After careful consideration, residents decided from legal advice that the Judge made mistakes in his judgement and overall ruling was unfair.
“Accordingly we must pursue this matter with the superior courts”
A Greenfield representative said,
“Whilst we too want closure on this case we have yet to see a judgment which we and our legal team believe makes judicial sense based on the evidence presented at court last July.
“Accordingly we must pursue this matter with the superior courts until we do see that. When we do we will stop. Not before.”

Lilley: This has always been a David and Goliath case
Councillor Michael Lilley Ryde Appley and Elmfield said,
“I have supported the Save Westridge Farm Campaign for over eight years and the principle the land in question is not suitable for housing as there is inadequate and undeliverable road infrastructure needed for such a development. Now climate change has emphasised the need to preserve green fields near the coast line to prevent flooding and landslips.
“Westridge Farm is also home to a range of endangered species such as the curlew, bats, swallows and the dormouse as well as migrating birds.
“Residents have been real climate change environmental and nature warriors in fighting to preserve the heritage of this farmland and the injustice my community has experienced through unlawful decisions by IW Council planning process which was admitted in the trial.
“This has always been a David and Goliath case and David is not lying down and is fighting back for future generations.”

News shared by Michael on behalf of Greenfields (IOW) Ltd. Ed