Work Begins On Military Road Drainage Scheme

Following the recommendation voted through by the Cabinet last month, This in from the council. Ed

Expected to last approximately four to five weeks, the work involves installing a system of cut off drains to intercept ground water, preventing it from running beneath the road and eroding the cliff edge.

Military RoadDrainage work designed to extend the life of the threatened Military Road gets underway tomorrow (Wednesday 17th November).

The highway drainage will be connected directly to this system to prevent any surface water destabilising the ground.

Single carriageway, but may close at certain times
Currently the highway has been reduced to a single carriageway as the cliff has eroded close to the edge of the road. It is hoped this drainage work will slow the erosion rate and if successful extend the life of the road by three to four years.

While the work is carried out, there will be times when the road between the Hanover Point car park and the Brook car park will need to close to traffic. Road closures will be kept to a minimum, during these times a diversion will be put in place.

Councillor Edward Giles, Isle of Wight Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, said,

“We are very pleased to be starting this scheme agreed by the cabinet last month. If successful this scheme will prolong the life of this much-loved road for several years, during which time it is possible that a longer-term solution may be found.

“It is important that we carry out these works now, before the onset of winter.”

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