Newport Carnival Kicks Off Carnival Season This Weekend

Brush away the blues this weekend as the Newport Carnival kicks off the Carnival season on the Island.

The day starts at 10.30am on Saturday with a Fun Day at King James Youth Centre car park.

The Children’s carnival procession sets off at 11.45am and there’s even an evening procession at 7.30pm.

The children’s procession is open to all, just turn up in your fancy dress at Church Litten Park for registration at 11.30am.

Hayands Primary Samba Band are leading off with the Newport Queens and Princesses. If you want to take part in the evening procession get in touch with June on 523468 for an entry form.

Do come and join the fun, games and entertainment from 10.30am – 3pm.

Window spot comp
In addition, there are 70 windows in Newport, so get your programme at the ready and join in the hunt for the lucky number hidden in the window.

Programmes are available from:

True Wight news – Carisbrooke
Gunville Stores- Gunville
County Hall
Toys and Models
Purple Dreams
Ultra Stores

Image: Andrewb47 under CC BY 2.0

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