Photos from the packs archive

A call to former Packs shoppers: Your memorabilia needed for a new Ryde exhibition

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Was Packs your Ryde fashion haven, maybe you bought your wedding dress there? Were you a regular customer in the men’s department or did you shop for hardware at Woods & Wilkins? Perhaps your relatives worked at either Packs or Woods and Wilkins?  

Your past experiences will help bring history to life. The team at Department, Ryde want to hear your stories, so they can gather them to share with future generations.

Please bring along photos or memorabilia to an open event on Wednesday 29th May at Ryde Library. They’ll inspire the “Unpacking Department” exhibition at Department, the new creative community space opening in 2025.

A place where relationships were built
There is already a book at the library where former customers have been leaving stories about Packs (Do pop along and add yours).

What is shining through in the comments is that Packs was much more than a shop – it was a place where relationships were built. For example, Teresa says,

“In 1985, I found a one-of-a-kind Italian wedding dress and accessories at Packs.

“Mrs Pack, who helped me, was so kind. After my wedding in 1986, we even went back for coffee and showed her photos!”

Made to last…
Another former shopper in Packs said,

“Over 30 years ago, I brought a fabulous pair of Italian boots at Packs – which was the only place in Ryde you could get stylish footwear.

“I still have them today. Although they’re not fashionable now, I’m hoping that they’ll come back round again!”

Meet the Curators!
Stop by at Ryde Library on Wednesday 29th May and chat with Teresa Grimaldi and Tracy Mikich, the curators behind the “Unpacking” exhibition which will open in March 2025. They’ve been busy combing through archives and collecting stories like yours to weave into the exhibition.

Tracy shared this about the project,

“Shops were the lifeblood of our community, providing jobs and fostering connections. Department has a rich history of shopkeepers, from hairdressers to hardware merchants to fashionistas. 

“They were places where countless stories unfolded and we would love to hear yours! Come along to the library and be a part of it!”

Share your memorabilia
Isle of Wight photographer, Julian Winslow, will also be there, so if you want to come along in your favourite Packs outfit, statement shoes or even Packs wedding dress then he can take photos that could be featured in the “Unpacking” exhibition at the brand new Department creative space opening next year.

Where and when
Unpack Your Memories at Ryde Library, George Street, Ryde on Wednesday 29th May between 11am-2pm.

The Curators hope to see you there!